Monday, July 27, 2015

Beaded Little Creatures

I think it's fair to say that not everybody shares love for bugs. I can't say that I desire to snuggle with a bee or pet a fly, but I do admire these intricately designed by nature creatures. I especially love a human interpretation of a different insect, whether it's depicted in a painting, drawing, or sculpted out of various materials. I recently discovered a plethora of creations representing a certain insect using different medium. My very favorite - of course - are beaded bugs.
Я думаю не каждый любит различных букашек. Я, например, не мечтаю обнять пчелу или погладить муху, но я восхищаюсь утончённой красотой насекомых. А особенно мне нравится то, как разные мастера интерпретируют, свойственно своему видению, этот уникальный дизайн природы. Я недавно обнаружила это чудо - творения насекомых руками используя различные материалы. Мне особенно нравятся бисерные жучки.

But before I share my little (and growing) collection of beaded little creatures, I would like to share a little story of how my passion for beads started.
It all began one summer Saturday, when my husband decided to spend some quality time with our boy and show him a craft he learned when he was a child himself - how to make an alligator out of beads. He made a special trip to Michael's to get all necessary supplies: beads and a fishing line. I was peeking over his shoulder as he was showing to the boy his skills and thought to myself: "why do I not know this nifty craft yet?"
Но перед тем как поделится с вами моей растущей коллекцией бисерных насекомых, я бы хотела рассказать небольшую историю с чего именно началось мое пристрастие к бисеру.
Все началось одним летним субботним утром, когда мой муж решил провести качественное время с нашим сыном и показать ему маленькое рукоделие, который он освоил в детстве - как сделать крокодильчика из бисера. Он поехал в магазин и вернулся с необходимыми материалами: бисер и леска. Пока он показывал все премудрости этой поделки, я поглядывала из-за его плеча усваивая рукоделие и подумала: "как это я не знаю как сделать что-то из бисера?!"


Side note: 
I love creating things with my hands, as you might have noticed. Before discovering beading, I did knitting, crocheting, sewing, macrame, cross-stitching, sculpting, drawing, painting. It's not that I had no idea that beads existed, I just never considered them as a medium for my creations.
Небольшая заметка:
Мне нравится творить своими руками, как вы уже наверняка заметили. До бисера я занималась различным творчеством: рисовала, красила, лепила, вышивала, вязала спицами и крючком, делала макраме, шила. Но бисер никогда не держала в руках. Не то чтобы я не имела представления о его существовании, просто даже в голову не приходило использовать его для какого-нибудь рукоделия.

My husband (unbeknownst to him) showed me an intriguing side of beading and inspired me to try something different. After watching the boys making little alligators, I grabbed the supply of beads and looked up a pattern for a spider. And my very first beaded creation was born. It was the only creation I ever made using somebody's pattern. Everything else after that is my own design.
Так что, мой муж, сам того не подозревая, заинтриговал меня бисероплетением и вдохновил на что-то новое. После того как я насмотрелась на своих парней с крокодильчиками, я решила взять оставшийся бисер и сделать что-то сама. Я нашла в интернете иструкцию по пауку и так родилось мое самое первое бисерное создание. Хочу отметить, что это единственный экземпляр использования инструкции, все остальные творения после паука мои личные изобретения.

That was the beginning to my new endeavor.
While searching the web for anything and everything bead related I discovered a whole community of bead artists, who create different accessories. One of the eye catching accessories are broaches in form of bugs. I personally do not wear broaches but started collecting them from all over the world. Now they honorably occupy a wall in my studio :)
Так все и началось :)
Пока я искала всяческую информацию о бисере, я нашла невероятное количество талантливых мастеров, занимающимися бисерным рукоделием. Мне особенно понравились брошки в виде жучков. Я броши не ношу, но ужасно хотелось приобрести такие необыкновенные творения, и я решила коллекционировать :) Покупаю разные бисерные букашки где найду и они затем занимают почетное место у меня в студии.


My very first insects flew to my home from Estonia.
Мои самые первые красавицы при летели из Эстонии.
Created by Eve Anders Accessories

I absolutely love how Olyonushka makes her signature bugs.
Я обожаю фирменные творческие создания Олёнушки.

Created by Agija Rezcova

Created by Надежда Белоконь

Created by

Created by Apollinariya Koprivnik

This fluffy creature is on it's way to decorate my interior.
А этот пушистик находится в пути в мой уютный дом и очень скоро украсит мой интерьер.
Created by Валентина Тельпиз

This extraordinary beauty will also be joining us soon :)
Эта необыкновенная красота тоже скоро вступит в ряды украшений на стене.
Created by Константинова Татьяна
Even though they're not beaded, but equally stunning insects of "Живи Ярко!" will please us with their presence one day :)
Если даже они и не из бисера, но жучки "Живи Ярко" покарили мое сердце, и я очень надеюсь стать обладательницей такого чуда.

I hope you enjoyed my little collection :) If you know artists who create unique work with beads, please don't hesitate to share ;)
Надеюсь вам понравилась моя небольшая коллекция :) Если вы знаете каких-то мастеров, творящих чудеса, пожалуйста делитесь с нами :)

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Changing Direction

I started this blog to share my fashion but have not used it since 2013. To be honest, I kind of lost interest in sharing what I wear. I don't really see how anybody can benefit from it :)

My newly discovered passion is beads. Beading has become my only creative outlet and self-expression. I create beaded jewelry with high-end materials (beads, semi-precious, and precious stones) using my own technique. I do not use any instructions, do not recreate somebody's ideas, and do not repeat my own. But it does not mean I have not looked at already established techniques in numerous sources. In fact, that is where I started. I had no idea what beads were all about and it was not even the medium that I had ever considered working with. I assumed there was a certain way of connecting one bead to another and started my research. Now, when I have an idea of sizes, shapes, materials, techniques of sewing beads together, I love browsing through works of different masters. It is quite inspiring to see verity of complex and simple designs created by professionals. Here are some of my favorite: Guzel Bakeeva, Irina Prisyazhnyuk, Alla Maslennikova, Nadezhda Belokon, Olyonushka, Irina Slobodyanik, Agija Rezcova, Apollinaria Koprivnik, Valentina Telpiz. I will post more later.

To satisfy numerous requests I will be sharing instructions with anybody who would like to learn to do what I do.
I already posted links (you can find them on the right side) of suppliers I use. Periodically, if anybody is interested, I can post reviews based on my experiences with each supplier or you can ask me about a particular one before considering to order from them.
I post a lot of pictures of my creations on Instagram, if you ever wish to visit me there :)

I hope you, bead lovers, can find this helpful. You can share your thoughts and ideas on this blog as well. Happy beading! ;)

Guardians of The Treasure

I would like to start my jewelry making journey with you by sharing the most complicated piece I made thus far - my pride and joyful accomplishment - my Guardians.
It was a spontaneous decision to participate in international beading contest Bead Dreams 2015. I was a little skeptical about completing my project by the deadline, but i made it. It was my very first serious competition and needless to say I was a bit nervous. I looked at previous competitors and winners, who are professional beaders, and was a little intimidated by their experience; after all - I am only an amateur.
It took me a little over a month to complete the piece. I created it using only Swarovski Crystals and mostly 24K gold plated beads, leather cord, and FireLine thread 6LB. I used my own technique - Evelikt (that's what I call it, but not official yet).

What is great about this technique - the backside looks as good as the front of the piece :)
After nervous waiting period I finally received the words I was waiting to hear "Congratulations! Your piece Guardians of The Treasure earned 2nd Place in Crystal Jewelry category". I was absolutely OK with my win :)
HERE is the list of 2015 Bead Dreams winners.